Day 24 - Exploit
The actual exploitation of a vulnerability. When the door's open, why not throw a party inside?
Merry Christmas :-)
Day 23 - Firewall
The (fire)wall against evil hackers. The bouncer of your computer club. "You're not on the list!"
Day 22 - 0day
A previously unknown vulnerability. - The fresh gossip of the hacker world. "Have you heard about...?"
Day 21 - Darknet
The secret part of the internet. Where the internet wears shades and a trench coat.
Day 20 - 2FA/MFA
Two-step/multi-step login process. Because one password just isn't enough drama.
Day 19 - Botnet
An army of zombie computers. When one isn't enough, get a whole army!
Day 18 - Cracker
Someone who breaks software protection. The locksmith of the digital world, minus the keys.
Day 17 - Spoofing
Pretending to be someone else. Because sometimes being you on the internet is just... boring.
Day 16 - RCE
Control an application from afar. The art of holding the puppet strings without being seen.
Day 15 - VPN
A secure tunnel through the insecure internet. The internet's secret passageway. No peeking!
Day 14 - Root
The boss on Unix systems. Gets to do everything. Sitting on the digital throne, crown and all.
Day 13 - Script Kiddie
Uses hacking tools but has no clue. Like a kid in a toy car thinking they're driving a Ferrari.
Day 12 - Zombie
Hacked computer being controlled remotely. Computers sleepwalking. They think they're awake, but...
Day 11 - Backdoor
A secret access to a system. Where you knock twice, say the password, and sneak in.
Day 10 - C2
Command & Control. Tool for remote control. The puppet master's strings. Dance, computers, dance!
Day 9 - Brute Force
(Password-)guessing by bluntly trying. Like trying a 1000-key keychain on one door.
Day 8 - Doxxing
Publishing someone's personal information. The digital way of airing someone's dirty laundry.
Day 7 - RAT
A tool to remotely control computers. Not the furry kind. But they both sneak around unnoticed.
Day 6 - APT
Highly specialized attack(er). Like a ninja, but digital. And they only get noticed when it's too late.
Day 5 - Warez
Illegally distributed software copies. How 21st-century pirates share their booty. But instead of "Arrr", they say "Download".
Day 4 - LOL
Laughing out loud. One of the most known acronyms online. Before emojis had faces, words had the laughs.
Day 3 - n00b
A beginner with much to learn. When you're still looking for the 'any' key.
Day 2 - pwned
Short for "owned" = "defeated". A legendary typo. When you aim for the 'o' but hit the 'p'. Classic!
Day 1 - 1337
"leet", elite skills of a hacker. The special language when "Hello" turns into "h3ll0". Fancy, right?