Intelligence Driven Security
Initial Assessment
Security Intelligence Service
About us
ReportFileResolver Absolute Path Traversal in Telerik Reporting
SPThemeBackgroundImageUri Relative Path Traversal in SharePoint
Multiple Vulnerabilities in Syncfusion ASP.NET MVC
Senior Red Teamer
Senior Penetration Tester
Vulnerability Intelligence Analyst
Teaching the Old .NET Remoting New Exploitation Tricks
Leaking ObjRefs to Exploit HTTP .NET Remoting
Exploiting ASP.NET TemplateParser — Part II: SharePoint (CVE-2023-33160)
CODE WHITE | Red Teaming & Attack Surface Management
Java Exploitation Restrictions in Modern JDK Times
JMX Exploitation Revisited
Attacks on Sysmon Revisited - SysmonEnte
Bypassing .NET Serialization Binders
.NET Remoting Revisited
RCE in Citrix ShareFile Storage Zones Controller (CVE-2021-22941) – A Walk-Through
About the Unsuccessful Quest for a Deserialization Gadget (or: How I found CVE-2021-21481)
Sophos XG - A Tale of the Unfortunate Re-engineering of an N-Day and the Lucky Find of a 0-Day
Liferay Portal JSON Web Service RCE Vulnerabilities
CVE-2019-19470: Rumble in the Pipe
Exploiting H2 Database with native libraries and JNI
Heap-based AMSI bypass for MS Excel VBA and others
Telerik Revisited
LethalHTA - A new lateral movement technique using DCOM and HTA
Marshalling to SYSTEM - An analysis of CVE-2018-0824
Poor RichFaces
Exploiting Adobe ColdFusion before CVE-2017-3066
Handcrafted Gadgets
SAP Customers: Make sure your SAPJVM is up-to-date!
AMF – Another Malicious Format
Return of the Rhino: An old gadget revisited
Infiltrate 2016 Slidedeck: Java Deserialization Vulnerabilities
Compromised by Endpoint Protection: Legacy Edition
Java and Command Line Injections in Windows
CVE-2015-3269: Apache Flex BlazeDS XXE Vulnerabilty
Compromised by Endpoint Protection
Reading/Writing files with MSSQL's OPENROWSET
CVE-2015-2079: Arbitrary Command Execution in Usermin
CVE-2015-0935: PHP Object Injection in Bomgar Remote Support Portal
$@|sh – Or: Getting a shell environment from Runtime.exec
Exploiting the hidden Saxon XSLT Parser in Ektron CMS
How I could (i)pass your client security